Saturday, 29 September 2012

Research and planning: Evaluation for College magazine

I think that the font sizes I have used are the correct size, it's not too big for the page however it's not to small so that you can't read it. I have followed the three colour rule apart from on my front page where I have put the date and issue in a different colour to the rest which also makes it out of the three colour rule. I think that you can tell that the contents page is from the same magazine as the have the same colours as each other and the same font size and style, then they both have the colleges name on them which makes the from the same college, so I think it easy to tell that they are from the same magazine. I believe that the photo's I have taken are appropriate and are reasonably well taken. I believe that I could of added a couple more stories to the contents page and maybe another to the front page, I do believe that they are appropriate to the college magazine.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Research and Planning: audience interview answers

Research and Planning: college magazine contents page draft

This is a draft of my college magazine contents page, when I do my actual contents page I will be using inDesign.

Research and Planning: semiotics/ fonts activity

These are the 3 fonts i feel that fit the different types of magazine mast heads, i did this after analyzing semiotics, as you can see the popworld is bright and slightly bubbled, death metal has the blood dripping affect and black dark writing, and the popcorn is colored and bubbled a little like popcorn. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Research and Planning: Medium Close-up Examples

 Here a four images which all show what Medium Close-ups are, a medium close-up is a shot of someone which is from the chest to the top of the head and nothing else from that person.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Research and Planning: College Magazine Analysis

We can tell that this Magazine is aimed at college students for many reasons, such as:

Firstly we can tell by the masthead, which says "COLLEGE" which is an obvious hint towards being a college magazine.

 Secondly we can tell by the publication line, which says "COLLEGE MAX EDITION" which is once a again a large hint towards being a magazine aimed for college students. 

The main picture also helps us find out who the magazine is aimed at, as you can tell that she looks like a college student herself, you would think that this magazine is for students. 

Finally we can tell that this magazine is aimed for college students by the cover lines, we can tell because as one of them says "on SMU's campus" and "the American teenager" which tell us about teenagers and college. All this makes us know that this magazine is aimed at college students.

The age range for a magazine like this would be in the areas of around 14-19, because of one of the cover lines which says "she's 15" and the girl looks about 17-18.

Research and Planning: InDesign Tutorial

Here is my film review, however to speed things up I copied this review and copied it onto a word document, this then makes it quicker to add onto the InDesign document, I also then got an image of the film Four Lions of the internet and copied this to my desktop, after this I opened up InDesign and and selected create new 'document' then I selected layout on the top menu you bar and selected 'create guides' this gave me the options to give my document guide lines in columns  which then made my writing more look like a news paper or magazine article, then I selected 'file' then 'place' and opened up the word document with my film review in, this then meant I could click and drag my review into the columns, then I did the same thing again to add my picture of the film Four Lions, onto my document on InDesign, finally i added text to the review by using the T tool on the side, and added the text, then I changed the colour of my text by clicking on the colour icon on the side and then the stroke to give it another colour, I did all this whilst my text was highlighted, finally I added a rectangle across the page and added a colour to the box to give my review a background colour. I then saved this by exporting my file to my desktop as a jpeg.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Research and Planning: Photoshop Challenge

I was given this as a challenge, to see how much i have learned on photoshop, such as making the background blue by dragging a rectangle over the a4 sheet then sending it to the back and changing the colour to blue, and by changing the colour of Johnny Depps hair.

Research and Planning: skin tutorial

Today I used Photoshop to change how this girl looks, i did this by using the brush tool and changing the colour, this helped me change her hair colour, lips, and more including giving her eyelashes, i also changed the opacity of the colour so that different things didn't show up too bright and this also made it look more realistic, such as the hair colour and blusher. I also used the spot healing tool which was helpful because this got rid of her blemishes on her face, which will help further along the Media course.

Research and Planning: Film Poster

Research and planning: photoshop tutorial

For my first time using photoshop i have designed my own CD case, i did this by opening up photoshop and and selecting the three pictures which were the horn, CD and the music sheet, i then edited out all of the surrounding of each of the images and added them to the background of the music sheet, i also then changed the colour of the french horn by using the 'colour balance' tool. then afterwards i selected the 'add text' icon, and wrote my name across the CD case. after i did this i added the notes and started moving the different images round the background and rotating them to put them where they are.